After Google, IBM, and Microsoft, an Indian has been appointed to the most crucial post at Twitter.

The co-founder and CEO of the social networking site Twitter, Jack Dorsey, has announced his resignation.

Parag Agawal

According to international media reports, Jack Dorsey said in a statement, "I have opted to leave Twitter because I believe the business is ready to go forward with the backing of its founders."

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey announced his resignation as CEO on Monday, according to a foreign news site.

Parag Agarwal is an Indian-American technology executive who now serves as Twitter's Chief Technology Officer.

Parag Agarwal earned his B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai, and then went on to Stanford University to get his PhD.

It's worth noting that numerous Indians have worked as CEOs of well-known firms long before Prague.

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, Arvind Krishna, the CEO of the renowned computer hardware business IBM, and Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, are among them.

Twitter's chief technology officer, Parag Agarwal,' has been assigned CEO duties, according to sources.

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